domingo, 13 de julho de 2014

Peace Frog

"There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
She came
There's blood on the streets, it's up to my knee
She came
Blood on the streets in the town of Chicago
She came
Blood on the rise, it's following me
She came about the break of day
She came and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair

She came
Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness
She came
Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh
She came
Yeah the river runs down the legs of the city
She came
The women are crying red rivers of weepin'

She came into town and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
Indians scattered on dawn's highway
Bleeding ghosts crowd
The young child's fragile eggshell mind

Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer
Bloody red sun of Phantastic L.A.
Blood screams the pain as they chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation
Blood is the rose of mysterious union

There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
Blood on the rise, it's following me"

quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014

Berlim em mim Parte Tudo!


Ó tudo está calmo agora no vulcão.
Cinzas e recomposição.
Mas desejo.
Quero fazer poesia do teu rosto.
Colher flores da tua boca.
Correr livre por teu corpo.
A rua me chama, mais colorida do que nunca.
Mas é um vinho qualquer que nos espera juntos.
A ver onde Dioniso estaciona hoje?
Come on!
Come on!
Deixar-nos enlouquecer pela metrópole verde.
A mata selvagem cresce agora mesmo por entre nossos dedos.
Sátiros e ménades nos rodeiam...
Agora mesmo.
Ora, come on!
Errantes e invencíveis.
Vamos derreter nossas correntes e vê-las arder em vermelho.
Sem um arranhão.
Sem nenhum arranhão.
Vamos meu amor, eu prometo!